So I clicked on over to his shitty-looking site (why do wingnuts lack even the most basic aesthetic sensibilities?). It's standard wingnut bullshit, though the dude does get a few bonus points for shilling a bunch of crappy t-shirts (apparently of his own design - see previous parenthetical comment) , and even features a plush white teddy bear celebrating one of the more recent instances of collective wingnut faux outrage.
I read through his post "CIA Right to Destroy Interrogation Videos." Perhaps he felt particularly well-qualified to speak on this topic, since he claims to be "a conservative who held a high-level security clearance during my days as an Air Force officer." But instead of offering any new insights, he simply regurgitated a CIA press release.
I felt my own need to comment. It was brief ("per blogosphere etiquette," as this wingnut himself helpfully points out), it was the first in the thread, and went something like this (each of my posts is being reproduced from memory. They've been removed from the dude's site):
Bullshit. These tapes were simply destroyed to protect the torturers. Torture is immoral and illegal.I checked back for a response a little bit later, and saw that my comment had been changed:
Bull----. These tapes were simply destroyed to protect the torturers. Torture is immoral and illegal.I hate having my stuff edited, and this was beyond absurd. In the context of a convoluted post about torture and obstruction of justice, this dude was offended by a four-letter word?!? Of course, I had to respond further:
Wow. You censored the word bullshit. Sorry to have offended your delicate sensibilities. Have some smelling salts.I couldn't tell if that post was blocked, or had been routed into some limbo for dangerous comments awaiting moderation. When I returned a short time later, there were no comments at all.
Last time I checked, the thread was still empty.
As are virtually all of mine, I know. But why is it that wingnuts universally fear being challenged, along with any form of open discussion? Why does the word shit strike such fear in people who seem so eager to present themselves as tough guys, and who revel in such morally-depraved subjects as torture and killing?
Wingnuts are nothing but chickenshits. And pussies.
Man, if you're hanging around the glittery wingnut enough to sort comments, I hope you have a mental health professional on retainer. If you just grabbed at random--which, at that site, gives a 98% chance of remarkable crazy--you've a better chance at survival. Whatever single brain the bimbo and her commenters are sharing is not in good shape.
(previous comment had typos).
Anyway, thanks for your concern. mental health protection provided by Snark & Scorn, PC
Glad to hear it; an excellent prophylactic firm.
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