My brother-in-law sent me an email some months back, asking me what I thought of Ron Paul. I'm not sure why he asked, or what in particular caught his attention and prompted him to ask me in the first place. I sent a simple response: Ron Paul's a crackhead.*
I think it's a pretty straightforward proposition - Ron Paul is a fucking nut. And he's got two first names, which is also pretty fucked up. And I'd heard that his online supporters seem to crawl out of the woodwork whenever the guy's name gets posted. But that's about as far as I ever took it.
Until tonight. That's when I was catching up on some sites that I just don't get to as often as I like. Tom Tomorrow is one of them, and I was glad to come across Greg Saunders' piece there on the latest hair-brained scheme that Paul's wacky supporters have come up with.
Follow the link - there's no way I could elaborate, improve upon, or even relate what it's all about, except to say that I think the money would be better spent teaching quantum mechanics to the chicken Paul's holding.**
* "crackhead" = "fucking nut" in this context.
** yeah, I know that's Frank Perdue, but he sure looks like Ron Paul to me.
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