I've never deleted wingnut comments here at my shitty little blog, even the most whiney and incoherent ones. Why bother? A wingnut's inane comments are the best evidence of their...inanity.
But wingnuts who run their own shitty little blogs aren't up for that. As Robert Altemeyer has repeatedly demonstrated in his studies of rightwing authoritarian followers, wingnuts can't even acknowledge points of view that are different from their own, or that challenge those views in any way. That's because a wingnut, like Stupid Fat Fuck, who even considers the possibility of different points of view risks cracking the protective shell of denial that he's built around himself.
Protecting that shell, and ignoring the chance that his views and opinions - or the views, opinions, and dictates of the rightwing authoritarian leaders that are central to his worldview and ultimate existence - may not be entirely correct, is wingnut priority number one.
For a wingnut like Stupid Fat Fuck, the possibility of being wrong is the ultimate threat to his tenuous mental health, and to his view of himself. The thought of being wrong about one thing raises the frightening possibility that he may be wrong about other things, or even about everything. That's just too much for him to bear.
A mentally healthy individual engages in honest self-reflection, and acknowledges that his or her views may be partially, or even entirely, wrong. While a wingnut can never admit a mistake, and will go to great extremes to rationalize even the most egregious contradiction ("Oceania is at war with Eastasia. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia"), a mentally healthy individual understands that he or she will make mistakes, and seeks to learn from those mistakes and adjust their thoughts and actions accordingly.
Stupid Fat Fuck is, in many ways, a garden variety wingnut. He demonizes and dehumanizes people he perceives as weak or different; he fetishizes symbols of nationalism and militarism (though like his fellow cultists he's never been near a military recruitment center); and he cleaves the world into two distinct groups of people - those he considers "us," and those he considers "them." He "thinks right - never wrong, never left." There's no room for shades of grey in Stupid Fat Fuck's swollen head.
In addition to about 40 extra pounds of midbody fat, and the kind of chronically-chaffed groin that comes with thighs that are larger than God intended, Stupid Fat Fuck carries with him a particularly troubling load of cognitive dissonance. While he presents himself as a registered nurse, a member of the profession that is consistently rated highest by the public with regard to trust and ethical behavior, and claims that he works "in an inner city emergency department," he spouts the kind of eliminationist rhetoric that is completely at odds with the code of ethics that he's supposed to follow.
Stupid Fat Fuck considers an individual's lack of insurance a crime.
But Stupid Fat Fuck doesn't consider this lack of insurance a crime in the sense that we are collectively at fault for failing to care for our most vulnerable. Rather, Stupid Fat Fuck considers the individuals without insurance themselves to be criminals.
Finally, we have this little gem, “immigrants who have no criminal history”. These are people who, by the simple act of being here, have a criminal history. Are they talking about criminal history other than crossing the border illegally, working without paying taxes, sending their children to school without paying for it, clogging up our Emergency Rooms without insurance. Other than this they are just like all other law abiding citizens.
And since we can show who and what we are not only by what we say, but by what we don't say and by what we allow others to say and go unchallenged, perhaps Stupid Fat Fuck's worldview can best be expressed by the unchallenged, and undeleted, comment of one of his cohorts who calls himself, without a trace of irony, debonair dude- "lock em up or shoot them.. either is fine with me." - August 6, 2008 12:59 PM
Florence Nightingale might shit a brick if she heard that, but she would most definitely lay in with a couple of well-placed dope slaps.
Not that it would help.
I congratulate you that you improved your ever so disgusting vocabulary!
So, I guess I should apologize for using the word 'stupid.'
If you used that kiind of language on their blogs, I don't blame them foe deleting your comments.
Okay, so, there are better ways to get one's point across than through copious use of swear-words. HOWEVER, dear righties, there are plenty of scripts/comment-system options out there that will replace every naughty word with a row of asterisks. (I've seen an overzealous one at work on a newspaper's site -- it turned 'classy' into 'cl***y'. Oops.)
The point is, deleting a comment that merely disagrees with (or actively argues against) the post on which it was made is A BAD THING.
There's no reason to delete someone who says, e.g., "You like rocky road ice cream? Gross! Nuts in ice cream is just WRONG." Even if they said it was 'just fucking WRONG', there's no reason to stifle them.
I think it's fascinating that the people that scream the loudest about freedom of speech and being censored are the ones that are the most likely to delete or otherwise supress speech.
On Deleting Comments!
On my blog, my comment standards are clearly displayed on the comment box. If the comment is violent, vulgar or grossly derogatory, then I would delete it. You are free to run your blog any way you wish to.
I think that the use of vulgar words makes your blog less credible.
Just by reading both sides, your tone and choice of words shows a person that what you say is also less credible.
You should use language to make a point. Vulgar words are pointless, and just childish.
Just my opinion, for what it's worth.
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