I'll start with a multipart answer to the question:
- I don't know;
- I don't care;
- It's not my business.
College-aged kids generally qualify as 'consenting adults,' and kids who are away from home for such extended periods, many for the first time, often experiment with a variety of behaviors - some of which their parents' would most definitely disapprove, if they knew - as they develop and expand their social networks. It's all part of their key developmental task - to each establish a sense of independent identity, to each become an individual separate and distinct from their parents.
So, if Rightwingsparkle's daughter is fucking a black guy, and I'm not saying that she is or she isn't, as well as saying that I don't know, don't care, and that it's not my business anyway; but if Rightwingsparkle's daughter is fucking (or did fuck, even once) a black guy, it shouldn't be a surprise.
You could consider it normal.
As for me, I don't know, I don't care, and it's not my business.
Similarly, if Rightwingsparkle's daughter is fucking a black guy, the fact that he's black should not be a source of concern to anybody. That's because it's really nobody's business, just as it would be nobody's business if Rightwingsparkle's daughter was fucking an Asian guy; an Asian girl; three black girls; two Latinas and a black guy; or three black guys, two Latinas, an Asian hemaphrodite, a white guy, a white girl, and a goat. Individually, or at the same time.
Now, you may ask why I'm even bringning any of this up. Why would I even ask if Rightwingsparkle's daughter is fucking a black guy?
I guess this post has been prompted by Rightwingsparkle's own interest in the public discussion of other peoples' sexual matters: This is all juicy and we all can't help but be interested in it.
And I had to stop for a moment when Rightwingsparkle said: It's always fun to pile on a cheater. So let's go.
I wondered if she'd also like to "pile on" someone who had, or who may have had, premarital sex; or if the idea of inter-racial sex, or for that matter any form of sex outside of a heterosexual marriage, whose sole purpose was procreation, "is all juicy and (I - Rightwingsparkle) can't help but be interested in it."
Who knows? Maybe Rightwingsparkle will come (no pun intended) by and comment herself, just to set the record straight (no pun intended).
You may also be wondering, "How does Rightwingsnarkle even know about Rightwingsparkle's daughter, and whether or not she might be fucking a black guy?"
I only know because Rightwingsparkle made a public announcement, and because Rightwingsparkle's daughter, and the black guy that she may be fucking, or may have fucked once or more times but isn't currently fucking, or may never have fucked, have also made several public online announcements. Their announcements even feature their real names, which I haven't posted here in the interest of maintaining some degree of privacy.
So, the question remains: Is Rightwingsparkle's daughter fucking a black guy?
I've already said that I don't know, I don't care, and it's not my business.
You'll have to decide yourself. That is, if you even care.
One more thing - before any of you get all up in my face about how you think I'm a sexist pig and all of that, I could just have easily asked "Is a black guy fucking Rightwingsparkle's daughter?" and it wouldn't change the story one bit.
That is, if I knew, or cared. But it's really none of my business.
- I don't know;
- I don't care;
- It's not my business.
College-aged kids generally qualify as 'consenting adults,' and kids who are away from home for such extended periods, many for the first time, often experiment with a variety of behaviors - some of which their parents' would most definitely disapprove, if they knew - as they develop and expand their social networks. It's all part of their key developmental task - to each establish a sense of independent identity, to each become an individual separate and distinct from their parents.
So, if Rightwingsparkle's daughter is fucking a black guy, and I'm not saying that she is or she isn't, as well as saying that I don't know, don't care, and that it's not my business anyway; but if Rightwingsparkle's daughter is fucking (or did fuck, even once) a black guy, it shouldn't be a surprise.
You could consider it normal.
As for me, I don't know, I don't care, and it's not my business.
Similarly, if Rightwingsparkle's daughter is fucking a black guy, the fact that he's black should not be a source of concern to anybody. That's because it's really nobody's business, just as it would be nobody's business if Rightwingsparkle's daughter was fucking an Asian guy; an Asian girl; three black girls; two Latinas and a black guy; or three black guys, two Latinas, an Asian hemaphrodite, a white guy, a white girl, and a goat. Individually, or at the same time.
Now, you may ask why I'm even bringning any of this up. Why would I even ask if Rightwingsparkle's daughter is fucking a black guy?
I guess this post has been prompted by Rightwingsparkle's own interest in the public discussion of other peoples' sexual matters: This is all juicy and we all can't help but be interested in it.
And I had to stop for a moment when Rightwingsparkle said: It's always fun to pile on a cheater. So let's go.
I wondered if she'd also like to "pile on" someone who had, or who may have had, premarital sex; or if the idea of inter-racial sex, or for that matter any form of sex outside of a heterosexual marriage, whose sole purpose was procreation, "is all juicy and (I - Rightwingsparkle) can't help but be interested in it."
Who knows? Maybe Rightwingsparkle will come (no pun intended) by and comment herself, just to set the record straight (no pun intended).
You may also be wondering, "How does Rightwingsnarkle even know about Rightwingsparkle's daughter, and whether or not she might be fucking a black guy?"
I only know because Rightwingsparkle made a public announcement, and because Rightwingsparkle's daughter, and the black guy that she may be fucking, or may have fucked once or more times but isn't currently fucking, or may never have fucked, have also made several public online announcements. Their announcements even feature their real names, which I haven't posted here in the interest of maintaining some degree of privacy.
So, the question remains: Is Rightwingsparkle's daughter fucking a black guy?
I've already said that I don't know, I don't care, and it's not my business.
You'll have to decide yourself. That is, if you even care.
One more thing - before any of you get all up in my face about how you think I'm a sexist pig and all of that, I could just have easily asked "Is a black guy fucking Rightwingsparkle's daughter?" and it wouldn't change the story one bit.
That is, if I knew, or cared. But it's really none of my business.
Is there something special about 'deranged' with a capital "D?"
More importantly, do you think Rightwingsparkle's daughter fucking a black guy?
Personally, I don't know, I don't care, and it's none of my busines anyway.
I totally think she is. & I think its great.
But that's just my dirty mind
Not unless he switched teams. That boy is faaaabulous.
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