Suck on that, G-listers!
Wingnuts are twisting their nipples in knots ever since a Fox "news" affiliate came up with a photo that shows the Cuban flag adorned with Che Guevera's iconic portrait hanging in a field office for the Obama campaign.
But as a closer examination of the photo makes clear, that most certainly is not Che Guevera.
Stupid wingnuts.

Omigod, you are SO cruel. I think I am in lerve. I am blogrolling you forthwith and demand, you hear me, demand a spot on your roll for my shitty little blog. So there. Oh, and please may I please please have that wonderful graphic you posted for Blogroll Amnesty Day? No Amnesty for Pilgrims and their Anchor Babies, I think it said. I'll even credit you, like the generous soul that I am.
I blog over at La Casa de Los Gatos and CultureVultures as The Political Cat.
Done, done, done, and done.
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