What do you expect to get, with a site such as this one? I've come to the conclusion that this site must be a frippery and you a caricaturist, a jestingstock; a mockery of sober-mindedness...
The authoritarian cult known as 'republican,' 'libertarian,' 'right wing,' and/or 'conservative' must be thoroughly exposed and discredited as a vicious and morally bankrupt movement.
Sunlight is our best disinfectant, and snark our strongest weapon.
It's time to drive stakes through their hearts, cut off their heads, stuff their mouths full of garlic, and bury them face down under running water - figuratively speaking.
Otherwise, we'll be facing this same sad bullshit again.
"Dodging shoes like they were Vietnam." - Attaturk
Psychopath in Chief
One of the most important disorders is the antisocial, sociopathic, or psychopathic personality disorder. This disorder is chiefly characterized by a personal history of chronic and continuous antisocial behaviour in which the rights of others are violated. Poor or nonexistent job performance is another major indicator. Persons with antisocial personality disorder make up a significant portion of the criminal and delinquent elements of society. Besides persistent criminality, the symptoms may also include sexual promiscuity or sexual aggression and drug addiction or alcoholism. Sociopaths generally accept their behaviour as natural, feel no guilt when they hurt others, see little reason for or possibility of change, and resist therapy.
It's ahead of the Ole Perfesser now...
You, again?
I did find a picture of your mother, the other day...you resemble her.
You really should try to get a life. Sad, being such a lousy person, but I suppose this world has to have ilk like you, to round out the bell curve.
Well, thanks for stopping by, Dumb as a Hoe. You prove my point more effectively than I can.
PS - My mother died in December, 2000 at the age of 85. She had a great life, all things considered.
I'd have paid for her to have an abortion.
What do you expect to get, with a site such as this one? I've come to the conclusion that this site must be a frippery and you a caricaturist, a jestingstock; a mockery of sober-mindedness...
That's it! You've perfected drunkblogging!
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