(from Drew and Natalie at Married to the Sea)
...because G-list wingnuts' opinions must be scorned and ridiculed.
On the October 22 edition of his nationally syndicated radio program, host Glenn Beck stated, "I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today.”…Beck's comment came as forest fires ravaged parts of Southern California, leaving one person dead, four firefighters wounded, and forcing about 1,500 people from their homes, according to The New York Times.(from Media Matters )
Most of the likely targets of these terrorist attacks are bastions of liberals, so I am really starting to say the h*** with it.
If they really want to walk blindly around in a Gaza-type world of exploding cars, trains, malls and pizzerias just so they can get one over on President Bush and conservatives, then I say let them go for it. After all, it will be their children and families scraped off the walls and streets. Fewer liberals would not hurt this country.
Just so we are clear, no relief funds or federal help should be available to states or areas represented by Members of Congress opposed to these safeguards when the events occur.
That would include DC, Mass, NY, California or Nevada, among others.
LogicalSC 10.17.07 - 3:56 pm
Since WHEN do left-wingbats from La La Land (it's burning by the way...too bad San Fransicko can't be 'cleansed'...) embrace The Third Reich and Karl Marx's CCCP Manifesto?
If GITMO offends them...then what about stalags and gulags and death camps? Would the ACLU oppose these three 'abuses'? If panties placed over one's head is torture...they haven't seen anything yet! Have a nice day.
"Ryan...you are going to the Siberian Front!"darthcrUSAderworldtour2007 10.24.07 - 10:16 am
Americans have a lot of experience with this sort of thing (“knocking over nations”), and we are getting better at it all the time. Practice makes perfect.Note – good to know that Limp Weenie also has the solution to all of our energy problems.
White frat boys who long to enslave blacks, Texas ranchers who think hunting and shooting a Jew sounds like fun, and radio audiences who want to tattoo Muslims and lock them up in concentration camps -- they all reflect the strands of the hard-wired right-wing desire to eliminate, by violent means if necessary, anyone deemed the Other, or the Enemy.Eliminationism is an essential theme in the overall wingnut narrative – one piece of the puzzle I’m putting together as I assemble this blog.
I didn't need to go online to know that we live in strange times, but the online communities I frequent have given form to the notion that our times have been made stranger and much more dangerous by the corrosive effects of the people that I and others call the wingnuts.
You may not be familiar with the wingnut world, or with the use of the term 'wingnut' in the context of politics, culture, history, science, art, or home cooking. Perhaps the clearest answer to, “What's a wingnut?” can be found by asking further questions:
...how many ordinary people do you think an evil authority would have to order to kill you before he found someone who would, unjustly, out of sheer obedience, just because the authority said to? What sort of person is most likely to follow such an order? What kind of official is most likely to give that order, if it suited his purposes?
Robert Altemeyer has studied and written extensively on wingnuts, though he uses the term “authoritarian” to describe the individual and social psychology underlying the phenomenon.
Wingnuttery is a psychopathic mindset that, among its top-level practitioners, is the route to unquestioned power and influence; while those at the bottom of the wingnut ladder see it as their best chance for validation and approval, as they remain unburdened by the more troublesome aspects of free will and critical thinking.
Dick Cheney may be one of the most brazen and powerful top-level wingnuts, and Rush Limbaugh one of the most shameless, but there are countless others in politics, government, organized religion, mass media, and the grass roots who help make the whole thing work.
Altemeyer has cataloged the characteristics of wingnuts at every level, again effectively framed as questions:
...research shows they are very aggressive, but why are they so hostile? ...experiments show they are almost totally uninfluenced by reasoning and evidence, but why are they so dogmatic? ...studies show the Religious Right has more than its fair share of hypocrites, from top to bottom; but why are they two-faced, and how come one face never notices the other? ...their leaders can give the flimsiest of excuses and even outright lies about things they’ve done wrong, but why do the rank-and-file believe them? What happens when authoritarian followers find the authoritarian leaders they crave and start marching together?
I plan to explore the “ways of teh wingnut” in more detail with a series of Tuesday posts, using Altemeyer's work and my own selections from G-list wingnut bloggers as the basis for understanding who these people are, and how they can be overcome.