That's no surprise, since wingnuts are incapable of engagement. And, as it turns out, this particular wingnut has dropped all pretense and has come out of the closet as an unabashed Rush Limbaugh fan.
Whoulda thought that a self-described evangelical christianist would be so eager to do the bidding of a drug-addicted sex tourist making almost $40M/year? There's much about the mind of your garden-variety rightwing authoritarian follower that seems puzzling, even self-contradicting, at first glance, but which is easily understood in the context of the follower's overriding need to simply be told exactly how to think and act.
Limbaugh's latest instructions to his fleet of flying monkeys appear to emphasize countering the notion that there's any kind of economic meltdown actually going on, and that the Obama Administration's proposals are nothing more than fear-mongering.
Reality bites.

Fortunately, as has become increasing clear to all but the wingnut lunatic fringe, their views are irrelevant.
Bonus: Buggs Bunny's Evil Twin fears we will become a nation of transexual socialists because of Barack Obama.
if socialized medicine becomes an eventuality under President Obama, will the American taxpayer be forced to pay for such cosmetic (sic) operations?
Of course they would.
Along with abortions and other medical procedures that are no more than cosmetic procedures.
"Kim" Petras is setting a dangerous trend by lowering the bar, and the age, that one can decide that they want to go from boy to girl-or the other way around.
Hanx to Brad at Sadly, No! and Plutonium Page at the Great Orange Satan.
All hail, Dark Lord Kos!
Bonus Double-Hanx to Jon Swift for the much better pic of that fat fuck.
there is only one way to create the have and the have nots, let government have!... yours truly nancy pelosi, barney frank, and the messiah barack obama!
I can't help but notice that he gets under your skin, Snarkle.
Yes, somethings are obvious, even to me.
Does he know something? What's he got on you? Hmmmmm...
I mean, not to point out your rabid, monomaniacal(Would it be irresponsible to say Authoritarian?)hypocracy (again).
But. Saying "That's no surprise, since wingnuts are incapable of engagement," and continuing to use that tired old (yet still classic)comeback, "Eat shit and die,"...
Well, what that all about?
I can't help but notice that he gets under your skin, Snarkle.
Who - Limbaugh? Buggs Bunny's Evil Twin? The little dancing Monopoly man? Ya gotta be a little more clear, Lawn Mower Boy.
As for getting under my skin, what does that even mean?
Yes, somethings are obvious, even to me.
Well, even a blind pig stumbles upon an acorn every now and then, but what's your point?
Does he know something? What's he got on you? Hmmmmm...
What the fuck are you even talking about?
I mean, not to point out your rabid, monomaniacal(Would it be irresponsible to say Authoritarian?)hypocracy (again).
But. Saying "That's no surprise, since wingnuts are incapable of engagement," and continuing to use that tired old (yet still classic)comeback, "Eat shit and die,"...
You need to learn to spell. Or maybe just spellcheck - let the machine take on the work that your brain should be doing.
As for 'Eat shit and die,' in this case it's solid advice. Maybe you should consider the same.
Well, what that all about?
You also need to learn some grammar. You're an inarticulate fuck, aren't you?
LOL! That's the Snarkle I remember!
Insults, half-assed evasions and all. It's good to have you back. I knew I'd get better than a crappy, "Eat shit and die."
rightwingsnarkle you ARE very intelligent, yet you know nothing!
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