Monday, February 23, 2009

Dirty Fucking Hippie YouTube Monday

Word to wingnuts - "You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal."


Pat Jenkins said...

i am so sorry i haven't made it here in a long time rightwingsnarkle. i forgot your internet number. i remember it now... yours truly joe biden!

Rightwingsnarkle said...

This blog needs more interesting trolls than what's showed up so far.

Murfyn said...

Sorry, I'm not an interesting troll. Just wanted to riff on the "no secrets to conceal" line; all this talk about "truth commissions" and "let's find out what happened, and if laws were broken, well, no one is above the law . . .", I want to call shenanigans. We know what happened. It is no secret. If there were any will to hold DubyaCo accountable, Karl Rove would be in jail right now. Goddam Democrats.

Rightwingsnarkle said...

I'm with ya, Monkay. I'm with ya.