And since I never really explained my reasoning for any of these lists, here's a quick rundown:
Fighting teh Good Fight highlights the sites that inspired me to start my own infrequently-visited blog right here. These are the folks who've been taking on wingnut bullshit far more effectively, and more consistently over a longer haul, than me. They're awesome.
G-List Wingnuts is self-explanatory. These are the low-level miscreants who dream of someday cashing in on the kind of wingnut welfare bucks pulled in by the A-listers. Their ideas range from the truly loathsome to simply ridiculous, and their overall tone is remarkably like that of Crazy Louie, the poor gin-soaked fellow down the street who divides his time between yelling at pigeons and pissing on himself. I'll never give Crazy Louie a penny, but several of us in the neighborhood have an agreement to make sure that he gets something to eat every day.
Surprising Myself Sometimes when I follow a link from a comment at one of the g-listers, I end up at a site that doesn't quite meet the criteria for full-blown wingnut status. It's not because I agree with them (I generally don't), but rather because the authors don't appear to fit the bill as mindless authoritarian followers.
Non-political Stuff I Like features sites that explore a variety of topics having nothing to do with wingnuttery.
I'll shine the spotlight on a not-so-randomly selected inhabitant of one of these lists in my next post.
One of the things that I've always thought was that rationality and open discussion was something that was a hallmark on "right-wing" blogs. Not quite.
And I'm the one supporting the "crazy" guy.
God, I wish I were good at snark
I hear you, Rand.
That's a particularly loathsome site, IMO.
But in general, I've found that folks at wingnut sites are allergic to opinions other than their own; and that to challenge an opinion is to be marked as a lunatic.
Some, like Sparky, 'moderate' comments, and simply don't let anything through that doesn't fit their purpose.
I'm not a big Ron Paul fan, myself. While I appreciate his statements regarding the invasion and occupation of Iraq, I'm troubled by many of his other stances.
But I wouldn't expect any Ron Paul supporter to dance at my command.
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