I first heard that comment last summer in Austin, and read it again last week in the New Yorker magazine. It was spoken by Van Jones, founding president of Green For All and a senior fellow with the Center for American Progress.
The statement is as true as it gets, because we liberals and progressives are the exact opposite of the folks Robert Altemeyer calls "authoritarian followers."
You know. Wingnuts.
Wingnuts need someone to tell them what to do and think. Wingnuts are desperately anxious for someone to save them. And when that someone doesn't pan out, they throw him overboard and go looking for the next big thing that they believe will save them.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Stupid wingnuts. They just never learn. They don't believe wingnuttery can fail, only that it can be failed.
Anywhoozle, the time has come to start saving President Barack Hussein Obama, motherfuckers.
Oh, yeah.
Hanx to HeidiEight at the Great Orange Satan. All hail, Dark Lord Kos.
He can't even save himself.
Trust me, it's much more fun this way.
it's much more fun this way.
Being ashamed is more fun? Well, to each his own.
I'm happy to say Brilliant!
Our new President (and don't the conservatives say we should support the President no matter what?) needs our involvement, and our feedback, and yes, our vocal support when we agree with him.
I like his plans for the country, in general.
Others, I'll nudge.
Because he can't do it all himself.
We just had someone who didn't listen to anything but his gut; and I think those sounds led our previous leader, and us, into a really bad spot.
that's right(wingsnarkle) if we don't get our way we will whine, scream and pout till we get it... yours truly, the unions, the green movement, radical gays, move on.org, code pink, peta!!
ahh come on rightsnarkle i know you have better dinner plans for me than that!
i guess not!
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