I had big plans, of course. I was going to post my take on the wacky and insane things that wingnut bloggers say every day, without the slightest sense of shame or self-reflection or irony on their part.
My commentary was going to be funny, it was going to cut to the bone, it was going to expose these fools to the ridicule that they seem to relish, and which they so richly deserve. I was going to help start cleaning up the massive mess made by the Cheney Administration these last long years; to restore integrity to our political discourse; and to bury, once and for all, the bankrupt belief system based on manufacturing crises and exploiting fear that wingnuts thrive on.
But I underestimated the amount of work it takes, the sheer amount of time and effort and concentration needed to track their blatherings and counter their screeds with thoughtful analysis and well-targeted snark.
I also underestimated the emotional toll that sloshing through their cesspools inevitably extracts. These are not nice people with sensible opinions, or with an interest in sharing ideas and keeping an open mind. They're parsing the meaning of torture, celebrating the invasion and occupation of another country, and braying for more.
They portray themselves as victims while others' bodies pile up (their own bodies are never at risk, and never will be); they complain of others' greed and untrustworthiness while they add growing amounts of treasure to their own hoards - or, harder still to understand, they champion the thefts made by others while they go without. Perhaps they hope to join the thieves themselves some day.
No, life's too short and I have too many other things that need my attention to give over any more of my time to this endeavor.
Still, I'll post when I can, or when I come across something that has to be addressed, when something just can't be ignored.
Until then, I'm gonna focus on stuff that makes me smile.
These are not nice people with sensible opinions
Says the guy who pretends to diagnose another blogger's psychological state based on a picture.
You want I should throw you some traffic?
The complete comment reads:
"These are not nice people with sensible opinions, or with an interest in sharing ideas and keeping an open mind. They're parsing the meaning of torture, celebrating the invasion and occupation of another country, and braying for more.
Makes much more sense when you read the whole thing.
PS - You've made a much better choice with the new the photo. Very snazzy hat, too.
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