Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I've Got Your Tea Party Right Here

Aren't they adorable?!?


Sue said...

I saw you spreading love over at Right View from the Left Coast! I had to put my glasses on to see that you weren't rightwingsparkle! That B won't let me comment on her blithering, ranting, lying blog anymore, she just wants her own kind there! LOL! Anyway, I enjoyed reading your posts! Sue

Rightwingsnarkle said...

You're always welcome here, Sue.

I don't ban commenters, and I don't alter or delete comments.

Only chickenshits do that - you know, wingnuts like Rightwingsparkle.

Rightwingsnarkle said...

Oh, yes - and comment moderation. Only chickenshit wingnuts use comment moderation.

Sue said...

Thanks snarkle! She edits every comment I make, plus I was told I was stupid, Maybe I am stupid cuz I keep going back to the F'in bitch!! LOL!! I read every one of your posts and love your point of view! I'll be back, you're in my favs!